About me
My name is Alexandra Olšová and I have been practicing physiotherapy since 2011.As a physiotherapist, I use a comprehensive approach in all areas of movement therapy. For a long-term solution to the problem you come across, it is good to look under the hood and find the cause. This is how we become colleagues on the training ground, where we are not limited by time or obstacles.
I focus on post-traumatic conditions, chronic back problems, acute pain, therapy for dizziness, reflux, migraines, cervical spine problems, treatment of joint disorders and pain, post-operative rehabilitation, treatment of functional female sterility, nerve paresis with muscle weakness, sensitivity disorders as a result of chemotherapy .
I am also a yoga instructor and therefore my physiotherapy practice is often linked with yoga. I am a promoter of happy menstruation, which naturally does not hurt, just as the period of pregnancy should not be painful, supportive healing postpartum care for clients after spontaneous birth and caesarean section.
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